Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lesson from the Fig Tree

In our DG session tonight, we discussed about Jesus cursing the fig tree. At first glance, it seems really ridiculous - why curse a fig tree that was doing nothing?! And in the first place, figs were not yet in season. So why expect a fruit hanging on the tree's branches?

As we go through the discussion, we learned the deeper understanding behind these passages. First, we understood the botanical nature of a fig tree. During Jesus' times, buds were expected to develop around March. Leaves grew from April to May, and fruits were anticipated around June.

Mark 11:13 says that the fig tree Jesus found was 'in leaf' but found nothing on it. This suggests that the tree was barren - no buds, thus no fruits. In appearance, it seemed fruitful, but in reality it was not.

This struck me the most. Do I, a recently baptized and self-professed Christian, bear fruit as I was expected (and called) to? Yes, I attend the worship services, go to DG sessions (not just 1 but 2 groups), and serve in the Rhoda fellowship. But are these just for a show? Just like the leaves on the barren tree, are these activities meant to deceit people that I am godly and fruitful but deep inside, I am hollowed?

Right now, I am just throwing those questions at myself, seeking wisdom from God to help me find the answers. And I pray with a contrite heart, for God to forgive me if I've been like that fig tree.

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